Does it bring in money? Does anyone even see it? The Powers That Be (ie. Google Inc.) throw a few tools our way to help these things along. Here are three:
1. Google Analytics
What is it? It’s a set of interactive reports about how people find and use your website. This one of the lasts steps of developing a proper website, and necessary for good SEO (if you don’t know what that means, check out our SEO services page. Good SEO is invaluable for a lucrative website).

What’s the point? Google is aggressively dynamic, which means that it constantly improves its search techniques and keeps them close to the vest. So attempting to manipulate it can be like praying to the Internet rain gods. But using Google Analytics is one trick that’s more reliable than chanting and human sacrifices. If you know the exact terms people search for, and the searches that ultimately draw them to your website, you can hone your content to attract to those terms to bump up your search rankings. If you’re interested in tracking your website, let us give you some quick Analytics instruction.
2. Google AdWords
What is it? It’s an ad campaign system. You write an ad according to AdWords specs, (3 lines of text, 35 character limit, etc) and Google puts your ad on results pages on searches for the keywords (search terms) you select. You pay when someone clicks to your site.
What’s the point? A naturally search engine optimized website is a great thing, and Web Developers Studio is very good at making them. Search engine users know the difference between ads and organic search results, and they trust the organic results – as they should. But often, a paid ad campaign is just the visibility boost a business or organization needs to get going. Web Developers Studio offer AdWords management as one of our social media and marketing options.
3. Google AdSense
What is it? It’s a program you can use to put Google ads on your webpage and be paid each time someone clicks on them. Frequently updated sites are great for this, because Google automatically evaluates your website and generates ads that are appropriate to your content.
What’s the point? You get paid per click – enough said.