Business Experience
I was confident when founding my own web design firm in 2005 because I was never just technical — I’ve managed multi-million dollar projects, gave presentations to major corporation top-brass, and trained professional sales people in the use of my systems at national sales meetings. So I typically talk jargon-free to my clients: medical doctors, lawyers, and financial planners; therapists and academics; the small business owners and high finance entrepreneurs; the lawyers and nonprofit treehuggers. I have a great job.

When you call 551-579-4865, you will talk to me. I will always be your point of contact and will manage every aspect of your project. All work on your project will be performed either by me or associates under my supervision at our office here in Bayonne, NJ.
My Skills
Tech Cred: I was programming mainframe computers in 1980. An IBM rep slipped me bootleg copies of the latest mainframe/PC interface in 1988. I started writing webpages and custom systems in 1999. I’ve evolved with the industry from HTML to WordPress. I’m not young, but I keep up.
- IT project leader and consultant at Panasonic from 1983 to 2005; Matsushita Electric Corp of America is a subsidiary of an electronics and appliances firm based in Osaka, Japan. Responsible for design and development of multiple major software projects.
- Full-time self-employed web developer since 2005. I provide clear and detailed reports and emails to my clients. My clients are never confused about what’s needed or what stage of development we’re in. I value your time.
- Search engine optimization expert. My clients usually do exceptionally well for their keywords in their county and state.
- Online advertising expert (Google Adwords); graduate from the Google Engage program.
- Available for organizational development (Quickbooks); productivity (Google Apps) and Social Networking presentations (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
See my resume here.

Fun Fact
I was “first board” on my high school chess team. Our coach (a lovely man) thought we might have a chance at the National High School Chess Championships being held in NY City my Junior year.
With his encouragement, I won the team a trophy–the absolute smallest one bestowed that year: Second Best High School Girl. (The boys, at least then, were much better than the girls.)
I’ll say this also, the tournament organizers were on-the-ball. Although there were (as I recall), hundreds of participants, by around the middle of the tournament, they had paired me up against the girl who wound up with more points. Sure enough, I lost to her. I wonder what happened to my opponent from Wisconsin who stole away my path to glory and the First Best Girl trophy for that year!
If you think I can help you, please call at 551-579-4865 or email me at [email protected] or use our contact form.